Operator and responsible for the content of this site within the meaning of § 5 Telemedia Act (TMG) is the Sharpist GmbH.
Karl-Marx-Str. 58
12043 Berlin
Office: +49 30 120 88 76 33
Managing director: Hendrik Schriefer
Registered seat of the company: Berlin
Registration court: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Registration number: HRB 199117
VAT ID: DE319991870
The contents of our offer were created with great care. For the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the contents, however, we can not guarantee. Upon notification of violations of §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we will remove the content immediately.
Sharpist GmbH is not obliged by law to take part in out-of-court dispute resolution procedures with consumers, but will do so on a voluntary basis. If you are a consumer, you may bring forward your complaint to the Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes (“General Conciliation Body”), Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, Telefon 07851 / 795 79 40, E-Mail: mail@universalschlichtungsstelle.de, Webseite: www.universalschlichtungsstelle.de. Alternatively, you can use the online platform for dispute resolution (“ODR platform“) provided by the European Union at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
Content on our website is protected by copyright. Any use of our content requires our express prior consent. Nevertheless, within the scope of the citation right, our content may be cited if at the same time a link to the full text is placed on our website and our site and (if indicated) the author of the text are cited. For private use, copies of our works may be made, e.g. by printing or downloading to a local storage medium. A publication on the Internet is expressly not a private use. Should you become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask for a notice.
You may find external links to websites of third parties on our website. At the time of linking the respective websites were checked for compatibility with German law. Violations of applicable law were not detected. The linked websites are contents of third parties, for which we are not responsible, we cannot expressly guarantee a regular review of the linked websites on legality. If we receive positive knowledge of unlawful content on linked websites, we will remove the links immediately.
We strive for clear, understandable and fair terms of use and legal advice. If you have any questions or queries, please contact us at mail@sharpist.com. Our offers comply with German law.
The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all contracts in which you, as the customer, make use of the services of Sharpist GmbH (hereinafter "Sharpist" or "contractor"). These terms and conditions apply exclusively and without application of the client's terms of contract.
Sharpist's offer includes the provision of a digital coaching platform, coaching by appointment as well as the provision of accompanying digital coaching content such as exercises, texts and other media. This offer is not intended for contractors under the age of 18 years. Access to the coaching platform and the coaching by telephone via a web application or a mobile application ("App") for the use of a mobile device is required.
Coaching includes personal development, soft-skill training, leadership development and more. However, it does NOT include advice in law and tax law, medical or pharmaceutical issues, psychological counseling, addiction counseling, advice on insurance or debt issues, as well as advice such as that provided by an auditor.
The contractor owes no consulting or coaching success.
The client is responsible for the fulfillment of the following technical requirements:
The use of the Sharpist platform requires a mobile device with a current operating system iOS or Android with Internet access. Furthermore, the Sharpist App needs to be downloaded and installed.
The contract is concluded by booking a coaching package and starts at the agreed time. The contract ends after the expiry of the contract, which is based on the booked coaching package by individual agreement.
The contractor is only liable for damage caused by her, her staff and commissioned coaches intentionally or through gross negligence. Insofar as the contractor is not accused of intentional breach of contract, the liability for damages shall be limited to the foreseeable, typically occurring damage. In particular, the contractor is not liable for lack of economic success, lost profits, indirect damages, damages caused by force majeure and claims of third parties. In addition, liability is excluded, with liability for culpable injury to life, body or health remains untouched.
Any change or addition to the contract requires a written agreement to be legally effective.
If individual provisions of this contract are not legally effective, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the contract. The ineffective provision shall be replaced by either the statutory provision or, in the absence of such provision, a provision which the parties would have admissibly accepted had they been aware of the ineffectiveness.
Sharpist supports businesses and organizations to develop their employees into inspiring leaders.
The mobile coaching platform enables continuous leadership coaching anywhere, anytime, and for everyone's individual needs, with measurable success.
For employers who care about their employees.
Office address:
Sharpist GmbH
Karl-Marx-Str. 58
12043 Berlin
+49 30 120 88 76 33
© 2025 Sharpist. All rights reserved. Sharpist is a licensed company.