Drive real engagement among your employees

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of coachees actively use Sharpist’s digital coaching offerings
Sharpist’s digital coaching significantly boosts employee retention by providing personalized development opportunities that align with individual and organizational goals. Over 80% of coachees regularly use Sharpist’s digital coaching offerings, leading to increased satisfaction and reduced turnover.

Turn your organization into a talent magnet

Encourage independent growth
Enable your employees to establish a habit of self-reflection through coaching, thereby facilitating key decisions in their career development.
Get guidance through leadership challenges
Our coaches provide your leaders with an outside perspective, helping them motivate and grow their teams better.
Link employee goals to the company direction
In our customized coaching programs, employees reflect on their alliance with your organization and find ways to drive engagement.

Sharpist is the right choice for talent retention


Customized learning journeys

Employees have access to 1:1 coaching, micro tasks, and group coaching sessions, allowing them to choose the learning paths that best suit their needs. This personalized approach ensures high engagement and continuous development.
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A platform that delivers impact

Sharpist’s L&D Dashboard allows HR to track progress and measure the impact across 32 focus areas. This transparency helps organizations understand the effectiveness of their development programs and make data-driven decisions.
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See tangible results

Companies like IKEA Switzerland have seen a 7% increase in employee satisfaction with leadership since partnering with Sharpist. Such tangible improvements highlight the effectiveness of our coaching solutions.
Read the IKEA case study
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How Sharpist empowered LVMH's employees to improve by up to 18% in key leaders competencies

Wiebke Rowedda,
HR Director at Moët Hennessy DACH and Turkey
“We offer coaching to people who need to grow, such as those taking on a new leadership role or project. With Sharpist Coaching, we focus on their strengths. We provide it to those who believe they can grow, self-reflect, and have an intrinsic motivation to truly develop themselves.”
Read the LVMH case study

This is how Sharpist coaching supports your talent

Our learner journey: From goal analysis to constant activity tracking

Goal Analysis
98% license activation
Every leader undergoes an individual analysis and defines their own developmental goals.
Coach Matching
97% successful coach matches
The combination of our matching algorithm and in-house psychologists ensures each leader is matched with the best suited coach.
1:1 video coaching
80% session utilization
All coaching takes place exclusively on the Sharpist platform - via the mobile app or on the web.
Micro tasks
95% positive reviews
Micro tasks are personally selected by our top executive coaches from an extensive library to ensure a learning journey perfectly tailored to the needs of each leader.
Activity and tracking
5x mobile interactions
Every leader can keep track of past content, insights and coaching logs via the Sharpist app.

Ready to get started?

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Explore what your industry peers are successfully doing
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