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Connecting 1:1 leadership coaching goals to company outcomes

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19th May 2022 (Thursday)
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11am CEST
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Leadership coaching develops the capabilities of individuals, preparing them for transitions, overcoming obstacles, reflecting on organizational dynamics and strategy, while creating psychological safety to share and to work things through within.

With Sharpist, coaching takes on an additional dimension, where you can apply coaching methodologies at company level, to leverage existing resources and achieve objectives that impact your entire organization. 

How do we measure effectiveness on both ends? How can we translate personal development to organizational success? We do this by defining a foundational set of development areas and adding accountability to coaching by embedding measurement of learning progress and business outcomes directly into the coaching process.

In this session, we will showcase the Sharpist focus areas as a leadership competency map that empowers learners to set personal coaching goals, while enabling companies to connect those goals to measurable business outcomes, and to track their organization's progress towards them.

Laser-focused on learning outcomes

At the start of each coaching journey, every learner assesses themselves and their needs against four key areas of leadership development, and structures their learning plan accordingly. Find out how focus areas enable learning progress and goal achievement tracking, while driving learning program engagement.

Measuring organizational growth through leadership coaching goals

Focus areas are an intuitive framework that encompasses all the possible outcomes of the Sharpist experience. Learners can use this template to set qualitative leadership coaching goals. Companies map the business outcomes they want to achieve through people development against this template, therefore connecting the progress of individual coaching goals to their organizational development goals.

Discover future areas of leadership development

Coaching is not a one size fits all solution. From our experience supporting leaders at organizations of all shapes and sizes, we will show you how focus areas can help generate insights for future leadership development strategies.

Join us for this webinar to learn how we leverage the Sharpist focus areas to offer a goals-centric coaching experience for learners, and an outcome-driven leadership development platform for companies.


Khurram Masood

Khurram Masood

Chief Product Officer at Sharpist