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Coaching for organizational transformations: How coaching can deliver transformation success

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July 7th 2022
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3pm CEST
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Organizations must continually transform to adapt to the pace of external change. Frequently, these transformations take the form of large-scale programs, requiring strategic and cultural change - and more than 70% of them fail. Coaching can support the roll-out of organizational transformations by helping leaders develop critical leadership skills. By developing these skills, leaders can drive change, serving as role models for the mindsets and behaviors necessary to ensure a successful transformation. 

Join us for this webinar and learn from Khurram Masood (CPO Sharpist) and Joey-David Ovey (Expert Coach): 

- What organizational transformation is
- How coaching programs can help deliver successful organizational transformations
- The fundamentals of a successful transformation process

This webinar is suited for anyone interested in finding out how to implement an effective transformation strategy, from HR decision-makers and program managers to L&D leaders and leadership development thinkers.


Khurram Masood

Khurram Masood

Chief Product Officer at Sharpist
Joey-David Ovey

Joey-David Ovey

Consultant, coach and supervisor helping organisations, teams and people take stock, make sense, develop options and forge a path forward