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First-time leaders: How HR can support a successful start

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June 15th 2022
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11am CEST
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Leading a team for the first time can be a daunting task. First-time leaders are faced with the challenge of moving from areas of technical expertise to general roles, often feeling they lack the necessary leadership tools and support network to meet their own high expectations.  

In this session, Sharpist’s first-time leadership coach Katrin Grunwald will offer expert guidance on how to ensure new leaders are supported as they adapt to their new positions. While many organizations provide leadership training before, during, or sometimes even after first-time leaders start, Katrin stresses the importance of “just-in-time” support as an essential transition phase for the individual and as the backbone of any organization’s leadership pipeline. 

Katrin will offer hands-on insights into the pivotal role HR professionals play in offering “just-in-time” support. By the end of the session, participants will be equipped with the concrete tools to get any organization’s first-time leaders off to a successful start through an engaging and interactive discussion on best practices.

About the coach:

As a team development consultant, first-time leadership coach, and founder of The Globe Team, Katrin Grunwald supports clients in team development activities and in the facilitation of virtual workshops. Through her extensive experience in leadership development at the Airbus Leadership University, as well as experience working on three continents and conducting sessions in German, English, Spanish, French, and Dutch, Katrin has developed into an internationally recognized and respected coach. After studying psychology and gaining a Master’s degree in HR Management at the London School of Economics, Katrin achieved several further training courses certifications in NLP, Systemic Leadership, and Systemic Organizational Development. Since 2019, Kathrin has been the host of her own podcast, Destination Leadership, in which she interviews inspiring leaders from all professional fields about their journeys. She is currently based in Herrsching near Munich, Germany.


Katrin Grunwald

Katrin Grunwald

First-time leadership coach