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5 Keys to Successfully Implementing a Coaching Platform

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In recent years, coaching has emerged as an innovative and effective tool both in L&D spaces and as a means to promote long-lasting, company-wide changes. The first of a monthly series of webinars, Coffee’n’Learn provides stimulating discussion on L&D topics from industry experts and thought leaders. 

This kick-off event will be hosted by Simone Mählmann, Sharpist’s Director Customer Advisory and certified business coach, and Julia Atkinson, President-Elect at the International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) Germany Charter Chapter, and will explore the tried-and-tested factors behind any successful coaching initiative and how to scale them across large corporations.

Covering a wide range of topics, such as scalability, executive buy-in, defining goals, and customization in coaching, this event is an opportunity to delve deeper into how you can harness the power of coaching and address the common pitfalls when starting a coaching program. 

This intimate Q&A event is suitable for anyone interested in discovering how to incorporate an impactful coaching program into their L&D strategy, from HR decision-makers and L&D leaders to coaching enthusiasts. 

About the speakers

Simone Mählmann holds a degree in psychology and is a certified business coach. Before joining Sharpist, she spent over 14 years at Kienbaum, the HR consultancy, focusing on learning & development and transformation support, as well as building a digital coaching provider as a corporate start-up in her role as Head of Coaching. Simone continues to pursue her passion for lifelong learning and coaching together with Sharpist.

Julia Atkinson, President-Elect at the International Coaching Federation’s Germany Charter Chapter Based in Munich, Julia Atkinson is the current President-Elect at the International Coaching Federation’s Germany Charter Chapter. Having worked in Europe, China, and the US, Julia has over 14 years experience as a corporate coach working with Executives and leadership teams. During her extensive career, Julia has developed successful executive coaching initiatives for a number of household brands and worked with multinational organizations such as Bayer, Ford, GSK and MetLife.


Simone Mählmann

Simone Mählmann

Sharpist’s Director Customer Advisory and certified business coach
Julia Atkinson

Julia Atkinson

President-Elect at the International Coaching Federation’s Germany Charter Chapter