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New Leadership Needs Positive Leadership

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Are you looking for more meaning, fulfillment, happiness and a better performance in your job? Do you wish to develop this with your team as well?

Some may find that they often focus on tackling deficits, in order to lead the team forward. Particularly in current times of constant/frequent home office, this may lead to a downward spiral of your team’s psyche instead.

In this webinar, leadership coach Elisabeth Hartwig will be introducing the principles of positive leadership. Positive leadership focuses on strengths and potential, in order to foster creativity and development, as well as a space for more reflection and exchange. In fact, positive leadership has been proven to improve well-being and employee performance. It reduces sick leave, there is less turnover, stronger retention and higher performance.

The key question in positive leadership is: What "ingredients" does it take, for people to flourish and develop their potential? Find out more in this webinar!


Elisabeth Hartwig

Elisabeth Hartwig

Positive Leadership Coach
Christoph Both

Christoph Both

Commercial Operations Lead bei Sharpist