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New year, new goals — staying on top of the game in times of uncertainty

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18th Jan 2022 (Tuesday)
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12:00-12:45 (CET)
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The last two years have shown us that nothing can be taken for granted. Even the—seemingly—most established routines can be disrupted. Now it is 2022, and we have formed many new habits. We have somehow found our way through to this strange new reality—this so-called “new normal”—. How can we make sure we stay on top of our game even in times like these?

Executive coach Betina Mazzarino will shed some light on the arduous task of setting goals amidst—or despite— the uncertainty of the current times. The webinar will be based on three pillars:


Staying focused through a global pandemic has proved to be a significant challenge: radical context changes have caused unstable peaks and valleys in performance. Betina Mazzarino will discuss what aspects stay focused on to advance our choices.


We all are familiar with hurdles. However, knowing how to turn difficulties into manageable challenges is critical to navigating uncertainty.


Action and poise are two sides of the same coin, and that taking action is crucial to progress we all know. Still, we are not usually aware that knowing when to move and when to stay still can be just as important. Learning to flip the coin is of capital importance to succeed.

As waves keep coming, we might as well learn to surf them. Find out more about how to stay on top of the game despite it all in this webinar!


Betina Mazzarino

Betina Mazzarino

NCOC, PCC Leadership & Business Coach I Human Talent Developer I Mentor Coach Professional Certified Coach (ICF) EU Business School Leadership award (2017)
David Krebs

David Krebs

PR & Communications Specialist at Sharpist